Thursday, September 8, 2011

Genealogy Talking to the relatives

Visit Family members homes or via the phone to locate information.
Be respectful of their wishes.
Best way is to get them involved in the hunt.
Remind them you are looking for personnel history.
Make sure to have your questions ready.
Use a family check list to complete your hunt.
Clues from Family Sources
Names and dates
Photographers mark
Clothing and houses
Pictures may offer clues to where they lived.
Comments on the back may offer clues.
Vital Records
May be stored in a variety of places.
Just the fact they were saved makes them important.
Birth, marriage & death certificates, baptismal certificates, naturalization papers, wills, patents, military enlistments, discharges.
Clues from Family sources
Diaries, Letters & Journals
Here is where you learn the stories of your families past.
These are the important facts that document the events of their lives.
Family Bibles
The births, marriages and deaths that are documented are invaluable.
Traditionally given at the time of a marriage of a couple.
Documents many facts that you may not find somewhere else.
Will include obits, wedding & anniversary announcements, graduation and other events of their lives.
Saturday I will add more.